What is Adopt-A-Plot?
Interested and caring members of the community can volunteer their time to keep one or more cemetery plots clean and presentable. There are many family plots throughout the cemetery to chose from. Many of these plots belong to the original settlers and their descendants of East Atlanta in DeKalb County.
Why aren’t families caring for their own family plots? There are many families who have moved away from the Atlanta area, or whose members are otherwise unable to care for the plot.
What is required to adopt a plot?
You simply agree to visit your plot 2-3 times per year to rake and bag the accumulated leaves and twigs, pull any weeds growing around the headstone/s and remove any faded or broken artificial flower arrangements that may have been placed on the plot. You move your paper lawn & leaf recycling bag to the nearest cemetery roadway or to the city curb for pickup by the Atlanta APW.
Does it cost anything?
No, only your time and generous assistance.
Does it involve heavy physical labor?
No, most plots have already been cleaned of all accumulated debris, weeds, vines and underbrush. Raking and bagging of leaves is all that is generally needed to keep the grave plots clean.
May I improve my adopted family plot?
Yes, with approval from the Cemetery Manager or a Cemetery Board Member, you may plant annual or perennial flowers or you may add some all-weather silk flowers to beautify the plot.
How do I sign up?
If you have an interest in Atlanta history or just want to give of your time and talent to make a difference in your community, please step forward and let us hear from you. Call 404-210-7312 and leave a message to be contacted.
If you are unable to spare the time to Adopt-A-Plot, you can still contribute to this worthwhile endeavor by sending a tax-deductible donation to:
Historic Sylvester Cemetery Foundation
P.O. Box 17555
Atlanta, GA 30316.
Your efforts and donations will help us to maintain the cemetery property as a place of peaceful tranquility and dignity for those buried here.